Thursday, December 1, 2011


John Michael and Kierstin got baptized yesterday! It was such an awesome experience to see our kids accept and make that promise to god openly and wholeheartedly. They have grown up knowing about god but not really steadily learning about him and his teachings, when Chad and I started going to church we made it just as much about the kids as we did ourselves. All of them have grasped on to the teachings and have been amazing about praying and being excited about church. We are really so blessed to have kids with such big pure hearts! Its amazing how you learn things about who they are and what is in their hearts when they pray, its one of my favorite things ever. I can't even start to explain how incredible it was to watch Chad Baptize our kids as members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. Having a husband that holds and is worthy of the Priesthood has been an incredible things. Being a member of the church and committing himself to something greater has made such a huge difference in him which in turn has made a huge difference in all of us. I couldn't be prouder of him then i am now, he is the father, the example and the leader that we all need and deserve. Our life 's may not be perfect and we may not have all of the riches of the world, but we have the gospel and we have our family and that my friends is all anyone really needs to be truly rich and truly joyful.

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